22 d’octubre 2008


The children of 3rd Primary make a models in Science.

The material they have to use is: blue, red, brown and green plasteline.
The teacher chooses the groups. In the models you can see mountains, rivers...
One thing they like a lot is to play with plaster and to get their hands
At the moment they are using the models to study.
They enjoy like it a lot and it is funny.
Maria Albert & Cris Boada

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

aquests article m'agrada molt feliçito a les autores

Anònim ha dit...

m'agraden molt les idees encara que molts alumnes en el temps ja ho han fet!jajaja!

i déu haver sigut una mica difícil en anglès, no?
bueno us felicito wapas!

Anònim ha dit...
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