12 de novembre 2008


The students of 6th draw a food pyramid.

The students take the work home and everyday they study and draw the food they eat on their pyramid.
The food is divided in 6 groups. The 1st group is cereal, legumes and potatoes; the 2nd group is the fruit; the 3rd group is vegetables; the 4th group is milk and cheese; the 5th group is meat, fish, eggs, chicken... and the 6th group is soft drinks, cookies, ice-creams, butter...
And that's all! We hope you have a healthy diet!

Laia Pascual & José M Román

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

De moment anem bé, sembla que a 6è B ningú morirà d'escorbut... ;)


Anònim ha dit...

espero que vosaltres mengeu moltes coses de la primera part de la piràmide!!!!
jo en menjo moltes!!
silvia margarit

Anònim ha dit...

Sempre t'has d'elimentar bé sobretot menjar 5 fruites al dia i pa cereals pasta llet...
i no menjar xocolata 5 cops el dia.
El text ha estat bonic i interesant.
Judit Tort