08 de juny 2009


The 2nd year of primary went to school trip on 27th, 28th and 29th May.

When they arrived to Begues went for an excursion into the forest. The teachers Vanessa, Anna Gaspà, Chusa, Estanis and Esther were going with them. Some children told us that they were very nervous because it was the first time they were going to Begues. Wednesday night they watched on a giant TV the Champions Final match, Manchester vs Barça. The children that didn' t want to watch the football match were playing games outside. The next night, they played games in the forest. We hope that they enjoyed the school trip.
Regina Calvó & Mercedes Andújar

3 comentaris:

Carla González 6é A ha dit...

Molt bé noies crec que heu fet un bon treball, ja m'agradaria tindre a mi tan vocabulari d'anglés.
Crec que està ben escrit, ben distribuit i es nota que heu intentat buscar las maxima informació possible per obtenir un bon resultat.


sandra ara ha dit...

hola menes!!!

quin text més ben redactat i amb anglès!!!!!

Be nenes teniu gràcia per escriure


MeRcHi ha dit...

Gina soy Merchi cuantas cosas wenas
nos estan diciendo e wapa weno dew