07 d’octubre 2009


The children of 6th year are old.

We asked some children of 6th year how they the felt being in their last year of primary. They answered that they felt calm and proud because they give example to the little boys and girls of primary, that they didn´t argue with the others, studied a lot and do what teachers said. They don't have new teachers and new partners and friends.
They have to study a lot if they want to go to ESO next year.
See you on the next 7mana a 7mana.

Anna Vicente, Albert Ruiz and Núria Zapatero

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Està molt bé i no m'ha costat re llegir-ho.
I diu tota la veritat.

Pol Marín

Anònim ha dit...

M'agrada molt 6è pero clar nosaltres ja sóm els"old" de primaria.
Pol Marín 6è b

Anònim ha dit...

Aquesta noticia és molt interesant.