16 de desembre 2009


The sixth graders have made some Christmas cards.

As is tradition at Christmas the sixth graders have made some postcards, which cost a lot of work.

  • The first step was to choose three possible cardboard colors: green, blue, red.
  • The second step was to choose between the same colors but with the role of patent leather.
  • The third step was "threaded" on to the cardboard template with a Christmas.
  • The fourth step was to cut the Christmas tree inside.
  • The fifth step was to cut the paper into strips and put patent leather straps in gold or silver.
He wrote a Christmas card and it is finished. This is our last article on 7mana a 7mana, the next will be written by the students of 6th A.
We liked to be with you. Bye, bye!

Enrique Trullols y Adriana Oliván