03 de febrer 2011


The students of 4th level in Primary elaborated a special figure for Christmas. 

This figure was a Father Christmas, like a Snowman. This Father Christmas was made of mud.
That figure was created with a mould.
The pupils made this decoration with all their effort. After the pupils painted the figure with many different colours, the children left the decorations, to dry.
Then wrap the figure in the class. Students did it with affection so later they could delivered it to their parents.
The Father Christmas was very nice.

Marta F, Marta B & PaulaC

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

aixo es gloriós com jesús . sou les millors redactores i mes guapesv de tot l'univers del'edat moderna.

Anònim ha dit...

m'agradat molt la figura pero no se gaire angles pero ho he entes perfectement molt be