23 de novembre 2011

The best chess players

The children of 4th are learning how to play chess game.

They are learning things about chess: all the rules, how to move the counters and how to play. They are doing this in the workshop class. They started playing last week, and next week they are going to have a competition.

Teachers toll us that playing chess helps us to play quietly and it's a good way to learn that you can lose or win. They also told us that it is a good game to play because you have to think a lot.

Most children think that it's very funny, but others think that it's boring.

They do it very well!

Helena R., Sílvia B., Sònia S.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Molt bé noies!!
Es nota que teniu molt bon anglés.
La foto m'ha agradat molt. Em sembla que heu fet un bon treball molt ben redactat.

Quique Briz

MARTA g ha dit...

wapas hos ha quedat molt bé, es nota que heu treballat molt.
Heu utilitzat un molt bon anglès.