15 de març 2012


The boys and girls of 5th grade are going to Montserrat. 

In this trip there is an activity called Espai gresca that consists of dancing in front of people from other schools. It’s very fun! 

We asked some questions to Albert, one of the teachers. 

-When are you going? 
-We are going on 23rd of March.

-How many schools do take part in this project? 
-About 10-12. I’m not sure. 

-How many boys and girls do dance? 
-All of them, the whole class. 

-Do they like this activity? 
-Yes, they do. 

-What song are they dancing? 
-They are dancing “Move your body”. 

Thank you for answering our questions. 

Marta G. & Andrea Z.

1 comentari:

anna ha dit...

una mica facil el text que heu escrit m'agrada més una mica més narrat encara que m'ha encantat que torneu a parlar d'aquest tema perquè recordo quan hi vaig anar hi jo i va ser molt divertit!!!!!