08 de març 2012


On sixth February boys and girls of 4th grade went to Nutrexpa factory near Barcelona. 

We have some questions to a pupil of 4th C. 
Let’s go! 

-Did you like the visit? 
-Yes, because I love “ColaCao” and pate “La Piara”. 

-What did they give you after the visit? 
-A water watch and products of “ColaCao”. 

-What did you like the most? 
-The breakfast because we had “ColaCao pepitas”, “Phoskitos”... 

-Did you imagine the factory like this? 
-No, I imagine it more boring and smaller

-What did the guide explain to you? 
-He accompanied my group in the factory and he explained the process to make “ColaCao”

Jaume C. and Marc C.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Jo també vaig estar quan estava a 4t i la veritat es que em va agradar molt i vam apendre bastant gràcies a aquella excursió.
Si fos per mi hi tornaria a anar, ademés,l'esmorzar estava delicios i ens van agradar molt els regals!


Júlia ha dit...

Ja, ja! Encara m'enrecordo a 4t quan vam fer aquesta sortida, va ser molt divertida.