18 d’octubre 2012

During the break

Hello, last day we interviewed the boys and girls of 2nd of primary. We want to explain in this article what do they play during the break time and which activities they do after the school.
During the break the girls play jump the rope and mum’s and dad’s, the boys play football and the boys and girls play hide and seek.
On Wednesday there is no ball; for that reason boys and girls play together.
We asked about the extraescolars too. They explained us different things depending on if they are girs or boys.
Usually the girls prefer dancing or horse riding and the boys  playing football or basketball.
Although they practice different sports, all of them want to learn English in Chelsea school or another academy.
It was very exciting doing this article for the blog and interviewing the boys and girs of 2nd of primary.

Carla O. and Mireia S.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Comentari dedicat perquè us el mereixeu, bona feina!


Anònim ha dit...

Alexia diu:
Molt bé noies m' ha agradat molt