29 d’octubre 2013


The boys and girls of 4t are studying “Catalonia”
-Where did you go?
- We went to Montserrat Natural Park.
-How long was the excursion?
-It was daylong.
-Then, if it was daylong, did you have lunch there?
-Yes, some brought food from home and others a picnic from the school.
-How did you go there? How long was the trip?
-We went by bus. It took an hour so.
-Did you go there for a purpose?
-we had to answer some questions. On one member of the group had it and use helped with the questions.
-What did you learn about?
-We learned about the wildlife: animals and plants.
-How did you work?
-We worked in 5 small groups.

-Thank you for your answers!

Jordi M. & Arnau B.

2 comentaris:

Aco Muiños ha dit...

Goog job, boys!

Aco Muiños ha dit...

Good job, boys!