07 de febrer 2016


Skating is a sport that is practiced at our school. The groups are: A, B, C, D, E, F. When you start you are in group A.  At skating, balance and technique are very important; (depending on the jumps or pirouettes to be done ...) You can dance to music with a series of steps, pirouettes and jumps.
The tests are as a control for skaters. They are usually done outside the school and they start when you are in group C (6th grade girls and some of the first ESO). Tests are divided into open (easier test in which the only thing you have to do is a dance with many jumps, spins, steps...) and the school is the most difficult test. It has nothing to do with the free, no jumps or steps... as is usually taught, laps, showing on good technique.

In conclusion, skating is a sport for fun and it is fascinating. 

Marta Z, Claudio M. and Victor S.