ICT means Information and communication technologies.
The activities of ICT in 6è and 5è are: parts of the computer, typing, time tables, etc.
The teacher of ICT is Víctor López.
The subject of ICT is in English.
Text: Juli Beltran i Pau Fabra
Foto: Jaime Foncillas and Jordi Janer
Foto: Jaime Foncillas and Jordi Janer
6 comentaris:
I'ts very good and this subjet is fabulouse we are learinig touch tiping
Miriam Neus
A mi m'agradava més en català, perque així ho entenc millor,però en anglès no està malament.
ICT m'agrada molt i a més en anglès.
M'agrada perquè fem servir l'ordinador.
Jo faig ICT i crec que està molt bé!
Trobo bé que es facin més activitats en anglès perquè és molt important saber parlar-lo bé i escriure'l.
I'm 29 years old now and I studied in Pare Manyanet a long time ago. Now I'm living and working in South Africa.
As Pedro said, I think that the more activities in english, the better. It will be something very useful in the future for all of you.
In the other hand, nowadays ICT is something essencial to work. In the near future everything will be done through a computer.
Hope you enjoy the Christmas and the New Year
Oscar Pradas
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