02 d’abril 2013

Fish & Chips

        This month, the main theme on 6th grade is the English TV contest “Fish & Chips”! Let’s ask some questions to Guillem Plà, the contestant of 6th C.
        Guillem is 11, he lives in Barcelona and he’s a Real Madrid’s supporter.
Hello Guillem, were you happy to participate in the contest?
Yes, because it’s an interesting and funny activity and it’s a good opportunity to improve our English.
Were you afraid to do it wrong?
No, only a little bit because the cameras were filming us and all the audience was looking at me and the other contestants.
Do you like the dance of Fish & Chips?
Yes, I like it, it’s modern and very, very funny.
Do you think that our school will win the contest?
Yes, because Pare Manyanet School has a very good level of English.
Good luck to you all!
Pablo De R. and Guillem P.