21 d’octubre 2009


The boys of 4th year, on 13th October started playing the recorder.

We asked Sergi Pané, César Mestre and Jesús of 4th C.They are learning to play the Sol, Si and La notes. The teacher gives them a score with the song el Picapedrer.
They have music on Tuesday and Friday. For them, at the moment it is easy because they play simple notes. They like playing the recorder. The boys of 4th B still don't have the score.
We hope that the boys of 4th learn all the notes very soon.

David Mínguez i Núria Rodriguez

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Jo m'enrecordo de quan vam aprendre a tocar la flauta, em sembla que també vam tocar la canço del Picapedrer.

Nuria Z