01 d’octubre 2013


The boys and girls in 3rd of Primary think that starting a new cicle is a big change. Their teachers are Mireia, Alícia and Sandra… the bests!
Homever, some children say they are sometimes bored in class.
They are going to read two new books: “Oriol” and  “El año de los piojos”. We think these books are interesting and they are going to enjoy them.
There are three new students: Anna, Oscar and Gerard.
Welcome to our school!

Ainhoa B., Clara B. & Mar S.

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Molt ben escrit!!!!!
M'agradat molt.
Estic amb vosaltres: this teachers are the best!!!!

Anònim ha dit...

quin text mes bo
molt be
es un molt bon text

Anònim ha dit...

Molt ben fet hus felicito: Ainhoa, Clara i Mar!
I molt divertida la imatge.