03 de febrer 2011


Children of 1st grade, made lots of crafts for Christmas. The pupils said that the Christmas card was their favourite.

This Christmas card was made of paper with drawings of: the stable, Maria, Josep and baby Jesus.
They painted it with different colours. Later they put glitter to make it shine. All the cards were very original and nice because they wrote Merry Christmas in English, Bon Nadal in Catalan and Feliz Navidad in Spanish. Three languages!
On 25th December all the pupils gave the cards to fathers and mothers.
The parents loved the cards and the children liked doing it very much.
It is the first Christmas in primary for all of them, but we think that now they are the most creative students of all the school.


3 comentaris:

Maria ha dit...

EL text està molt ben redactat enorabona a les dues!!!!!!!
Penso que heu fet un molt bon treball
Sou les millors!!!!!

Anònim ha dit...

Està molt bé per ser en anglès!
Seguiu així!

Anònim ha dit...

Està molt bé per ser en anglès!
Seguiu així!