17 de març 2011


Children of second grade dress up with a tunic and a hat.

For Carnival, the boys and girls of second of primary are doing a lot of things. For example, the children prepared a song in English based on Carnival.

The fancy dresses are of a sad and angry clown. The children explain us that the fancy dress is similar to Joker, a charachter of Batman movie.

The boys and girls make colourful big hats at school and bring a white tunic from home.

It's true that the children look funny. They say that they are very happy also very busy.

Enjoy the Carnival!
Biel & Carles

2 comentaris:

Felisa Jimenez ha dit...

mol be nois us mereixeu una felicitacio per part de la familia Sanchez

Anònim ha dit...

Crec que el Biel i el Carles conjunten tots dos.
Han fet una bona demostració de com disfrassar-se de pallaso per carnaval hi han conseguit demostrar el humor i l'alegria que aquest personatge representan ll'alegria en un gran escrit.
Això em recorda al gran pallaso i mestre Charler River (en trist).