31 de març 2011


Have you ever asked yourself what a digital blackboard is?

Here, there is the answer that you were waiting for...
...A digital blackboard is a new technology of the school. It is the replacement of the classical blackboard that we have been using until today.
Let's get to the point!
The children of 4th grade went to the digital blackboard to see some pictures of the project that they are doing.
They told us that they think it is awesome to work with this tool.
We think this too, and we're waiting for next year to be able to use it.

Adriana L, Albert M & Pablo V

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Jo crec que escriure en aquest blog ha estat una experiencia molt bona per a mi i crec que tambe per als meus companys M'HA AGRADAT MOLT ESCRIURE AL 7MANA 7MANA!!!

Anònim ha dit...

Sóc una alumne de 6è-c i crec que l'experiència que ens heu donat ha estat molt profitosa i hem aprés moltes coses
des del fons del meu cor hos ho agraeixo i només em queda dir-vos gràcies
hos estimo <3