16 de març 2010


The children of second of Primary did an experiment with magnets. It was very funny!

Now we have some questions to a boy of second:

-In what subject did you do the experiment?
-In M. Natural.
-Did you like it?
-Yes, very much.
-Was it difficult?
-A little bit.
Thanks for the anwers!
This information is very interesting.
We want to do this at home!

Júlia Nogués & Sergi Vicente

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

A sigut interessant el vostre article sobre els magnets que han fet els alumnes de primer.


Anònim ha dit...

la veritat m'ha sorpres que 2 hagin fet imans

Anònim ha dit...

Segur que seria molt xulo fer-ho a casa!!

Irene (6è-A)