02 de març 2010


The pupils of 4th primary drew a self-portrait.

The children of 4th primary drew their faces!
Now we have an interview:

-Did you like drawing your face?
-Yes, I liked it very much.

-Did you draw it alone?
-Yes, but I needed a little help.

-Is the portrait similar to your face?
-No, nobody's portrait is similar.

-Did you bring anything from home?
-Yes, I brought a collage.

-Did you like this activity?
-Yes, I liked it very much.

-Thank you for your answers.
-You're welcome.

Iria Llausi and Marc Vicente

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Es bastant divertit el vostre comentari!!!!!!!!
M'agradat molt el text que heu escrit sobre QUI ES QUI?(WHO IS WHO? !!!!!!!!


Anònim ha dit...

Es molt divertit fer autorretrats.
Espero que os haguin quedat bé i hageu gaudit aquesta estona.
Yo no m'enrrecordo si quan estava a quart vam fer un autorretra, és que fa tant de temps...


Irene D. ha dit...

Segurament haurà quedat molt bé a tots!!
