18 de desembre 2015


This year the kids of 6th year are doing a project about “La Marató”. This year is about diabetes and obesity and the slogan is “1 de cada 4 tenim diabetis o obesitat i la meitat no ho sabem” (one in four have diabetes or obesity and half are unaware of it). The kids of 6th are doing seven activities to finish the project.

1. A video of La Marató – we watch a video and after we do a test.

2. A talk on the details of La Marató.

3. Two people come and explain their experiences of diabetes.

4. We work together and collaborate on talking about the issues in the La Marató.

5. We make a poster to help information about La Marató.

6. We explain to other classes about the issues within La Marató.

7. We collect money for La Marató campaign.

We hope this information has helped you to understand more about La Marató.