13 de novembre 2015


This week in the “extra” section, we’re going to tell you about robotics.

Last year was the first time that you could practice and learn robotics at school. Also, last year robotics was started as a subject in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades.

The boys and girls that practice robotics are doing a class each week that is at midday or in the afternoon. In each class they follow the steps to build their robot. There are many groups. Last year one group made a basic robot and they went to the Barcelona’s championship. They were 6th of 40!

This year they want to go to the Catalonia’s championship.
We hope they win!

We asked a boy from 6th grade that is in one of the groups and he told us that in his group they’re making an elephant robot which can walk, hold and move things with the trunk.

We think that this is a wonderful activity!