20 de novembre 2015


Hello, good morning now we are going to do an interview
We begin!

1. When did you start cooking? Where did you learn?
-In 1978, in the Colon of Caldetes hotel.

2. When you were younger did you want to be a chef? What did you want to be?
-No, but when I quit school I found cooking; when I was younger I wanted to be a doctor.

3. How old are you?
- I’m 53.

4. Where are you from?
-Villafranca de los Barros, in Badajoz.

5. Are you married?
-Yes, I am.

6. Do you have children? How many?
- Yes I have 2 children, 1 boy and 1 girl.

7. What's your favourite food? Food that you don’t eat or that you don’t like?
-Escudella & Carn d’olla is my favourite food I don’t like Chinese food.

8. Who cooks at home you or your wife?
-I cook, my wife cleans the house. We share the work.

9. Do you like cooking programs the hells kitchen, master chef…?
- No I don’t like. Because are not very funny.

10. Do you like your job? How many people work in the kitchen?
-Yes a lot because I think that every day you can do new things. And there are only 7 chefs.

11. How many people do you cook for every day? Do you cook outside of the school? Who choose the menu?
-I currently cook for 1.100 people. Yes I cook in other places. A diethisian chooses the menu and also the local government.

12. If the food burns or something, what do you do? How does the shopping? Do you save all the food?
-We throw it away, we can’t serve bad food. I throw the orders. We keep the food in reserves or containers.

13. Do you want to add something else?
-Yes, now I will ask you one question. Do you like the food? 

Yes we like the food!
Thank you for answering our questions.