16 d’octubre 2015


This year throughout ESO there has been many changes, we are going to talk about two: changes to exams and group work. In previous years, students did two important exams every term, mid-terms and finals. This year there are only finals, that is to say at the end of the term.

The distribution of the tables has also changed. Now students are in groups of 3 and 4 people and so they work in groups. We have asked a number of them about this and in general their opinion is negative, although we have found people that have enjoyed the change.

We also asked the director of secondary level, Olga Durán. She told us that the changes were made amongst all the teachers, so that they are practicing and memorizing the changes in order to learn them. Approximately three people have had to repeat the year in ESO.

They do seven or eight subjects within which there are three themes per term. With this they benefit not doing catch up exams in the middle of the course.

Within these groups they do work and therefore they can help each other mutually and cooperate amongst each other.

Vivi Álvaro & Arnau Farran