02 d’octubre 2015


At Pare Manyanet School, they have a new sport to practice, Paddle.

On Monday 21st September, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of Primary did a practise to distribute them into different levels. The following day, 4th, 5th and 6th grade of Primary did the same, and on 23rd September Secundary education and Batxillerat did the practise.

They practiced with cones. They did exercises like passing the ball to the other side, personal perfection and finally they played a match. There can be only five boys for monitor and group.

Last Monday, we went to see the training and saw all the things that we have explained to you. It was the first day of paddle. They had so much fun doing it.

Good News! There is a new sport to practice at Pare Manyanet School.

Juan Canals & Clàudia Carreras